Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Who turned on the sprinklers?

Fire fizzled out as I predicted. Which is fine; it's probably better that way. Good thing is there's no pain. For the first time in my life (I think), a male-female romantic relationship has ended and there were no negatives feelings (on my side). No guilt, no pain, no feeling like I'm a horrible person. This is awesome. :D If only all my dating experiences could end like this.

On a different note, the bank didn't call today which means I should call the loan officer tomorrow...huzzah! (not). Fingers, toes, and eyes crossed that I get pre-approved for a loan to buy a house.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Playing with fire is fun

and sure, I have a lot of burn scars, but scars are cool!! Atlhough, this time feels different from the last. Of course, there are similarities, but I'm older, wiser, and less attached. He's fun and cute, but I'm not emotionally invested. And I think that's the difference. Unlike the last one, there are no emotions involved. If we date cool; if not whatever, either way my eyes are gonna be looking around for something better.